Server with the following technical specs:- CPU: 4 @ 2.7GHZ
- RAM: 8GB
Checking Nginx Parameter
Key areas to inspect when looking at Nginx for a PHP-FPM environment consist ofworker_connections
and worker_processes
Worker Connections
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by a worker process. This is often set to the number of CPU cores.Worker Processes
Sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by a worker process.PHP-FPM
To optimize PHP-FPM it is largely depends on the application itself. However a standard rule that would satisfy a broad subset of use cases would be:pm.max_children = (Total RAM - Memory used for Linux, DB, etc.) / Average php process size
First, we need to install ps_mem to check the memory usage.
yum install ps_mem -y
mv /usr/local/sbin/
chmod 755 /usr/local/sbin/
then run command
Here is the result:
the output should give you something like this (refer to the picture shown as above):
776.6 MiB + 49.4 MiB = 826.1 MiB php-fpm (105)
826.1 MiB/105 Processes = 7.86 MiB
7.86MB memory / Processes
We can now calculate the number of process php-fpm can calculate via this simple formula:
max_children = (Total Number of Memory - 1000MB) / FPM Memory per Process
We reserved 1000MB for other process like mysql, nginx, etc.
max_children = (4000 MB - 1000 MB) / 7.86
max_children = 381.67
Quick Setup
At a most base level this seems to be the ideal setup based on peer review:- nginx (<=1.9.0)
- zendopcache > apc (deprecated)
- php-fpm (fastcgi)
Detailed Setup
In the/etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
user = www-data
group = www-data
chdir = /
listen =
pm = dynamic (ondemand might be better for memory usage)
pm.max_children (total RAM - (DB etc) / process size)
pm.start_servers (1/4 of cpu cores)
pm.min_spare_servers (1/2 of cpu cores)
pm.max_spare_servers (total of cpur cores)
pm.max_requests (high to prevent server respwan)
(tip: set really low to find memory leaks)
In the /etc/php5/fpm/conf.d/local.ini
file:memory_limit = 324M (WxT needs at minimum 256MB)
According to our scenario sample then it will give result as below
pm = ondemand
pm.max_children (382)
pm.start_servers (1)
pm.min_spare_servers (2)
pm.max_spare_servers (4)
pm.max_requests (1000)
Then just execute the following commands:nginx -s reload
Other Topics:
How to build NGINX RTMP module, Setup Live Streaming with NGINX RTMP module, Publishing Stream with Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), Create Adaptive Streaming with NGINX RTMP, Implementing Filtergraph in Streaming with NGINX RTMP, How to Implement Running Text in Streaming with NGINX RTMP, How to build OpenSceneGraph with Code::Blocks, How to build OpenSceneGraph with Visual Studio 2010, Building Geometry Model, How to run OpenSceneGraph with Netbean IDE 8.2 C++, Rendering Basic Shapes, Using OSG Node to Load 3D Object Model, Rendering 3D Simulator with OpenSceneGraph, How to compile wxWidgets with Visual Studio 2010